Project Description

Hong Kong Public Space Awards 2013

Project Descriptions

Date: July 2013 – January 2014

Project Nature: Public Engagement

The city’s first ever Hong Kong Public Space Awards 2013 aims to raise awareness of public space, and recognize various stakeholders of public spaces, including planners, designers, management companies and the likes, for their contribution, thus inspiring people with ideas for future public space development.

The Awards started to accept nominations from the general public in July 2013. With 50 nominated public spaces, public voting took place in October 2013. Finally, after professional evaluation, 9 outstanding public spaces (under 6 categories) have been chosen , while 1 spoof award is given to the least desirable public space. A prize presentation ceremony was held at Island East Markets in Quarry Bay on 12 Jan 2014. Representatives of the winning public spaces were invited to attend the ceremony and share about their thoughts.

Press Release / Jury Report / Nomination List

Press Coverage

2014-09-20 港生活 全港 9 大最佳城市空地 假日好去處
2014-02-14 大公報 赤柱廣場露天廣場獲頒「優秀公共空間大獎」總冠軍
2014-02-08 香港經濟日報 優秀公共空間 領匯獲獎
2014-01-13 星島日報 最佳公共空間赤柱佔兩席 (網頁版)
2014-01-13 頭條日報 赤柱長廊及廣場奪設計大獎 (網頁版)
2014-01-13 明報 赤柱海濱膺最佳公共空間 (網頁版)
2014-01-13 成報 公共空間大獎赤柱奪冠 (網頁版)
2014-01-13 晴報 赤柱海濱膺最佳公共空間
2014-01-13 am730 空間
2014-01-12 TVB Pearl News (Video)


Photo Gallery

For more event pictures, please visit our Facebook Page.

HK Public Space Awards 2013 - Backdrop Design


Hong Kong Public Space Initiative
Designing Hong Kong
RFP Magazine

Venue Partner
Island East Markets